Blue Origin launches six tourists to the edge of space after nearly two-year hiatus


Blue Origin launches six tourists to the edge of space after nearly two-year hiatus

Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’ private spaceflight company, has successfully launched six space tourists to the edge of space after a hiatus of nearly two years. Blue Origin’s spacecraft, New Shepard, is designed to autonomously fly six passengers more than 62 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth’s surface—beyond the internationally recognized boundary of space.

Following a smooth ascent, the passengers experienced a few minutes of weightlessness and were treated to panoramic views of Earth and the cosmos before descending back to the planet. The entire flight lasted about 10 minutes, a short but exhilarating trip for the space tourists aboard.

This launch marks a significant step forward for commercial space travel and showcases Blue Origin’s commitment to making space more accessible to private individuals. It also reflects the broader trend of increased commercial activity in space, with other companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic also working to advance this industry.