Multiple Crypto Influencers Struck By SIM Swap Attacks – Here Are The Details
1. Gilbert Verdian: The former UK cabinet member and blockchain expert, Gilbert Verdian, was the target of a SIM swap attack in November 2020. He took to Twitter to warn other crypto enthusiasts about the attack, saying that he had lost “a substantial amount” of money in the process.
2. Farhan Mir: Farhan Mir, a top crypto influencer and founder of the CryptoXchange platform, was also hit by a SIM swap attack in July 2020. Mir reported the incident to the police and warned his followers, telling them to turn on two-factor authentication for added security.
3. Jackson Palmer: Jackson Palmer, the creator of Dogecoin, was also a victim of SIM swap theft. He shared his experience in an interview with BreakerMag, saying that the hacker gained access to his cryptocurrency wallets and was able to transfer large amounts of cryptocurrency without his knowledge.
4. Dave Hudson: Dave Hudson, a prominent figure in the crypto space, was the target of a SIM swap attack in October 2020. He revealed the incident on Twitter, warning others to be vigilant, especially in light of the recent spate of Crypto SIM swap thefts.
5. Elena Shevchenko: Elena Shevchenko, a former engineer for Google and Apple, was the victim of a SIM swap attack that resulted in the loss of $500,000 in crypto. She reported the incident to the police and warned others to stay vigilant when it comes to their cryptocurrency security.