Name-calling, personal jabs round out top 5 moments from the fiery Republican presidential debate in Alabama
1. Donald Trump’s attacks against Marco Rubio
Donald Trump made numerous personal jabs and name-calling attacks against Marco Rubio, referring to him as “little Marco” several times during the debate. He also pointed out that Rubio had failed in his 2010 Senate race in Florida, saying that he was “not very much of a worker.”
2. Marco Rubio’s rebuttal
In response to Trump’s jabs, Marco Rubio fired back against Trump’s comments, noting his failed business deals and lack of knowledge on policy. He also mimicked Trump’s insult, referring to him as “little Donald” during the debate.
3. Ted Cruz criticizing the media
Ted Cruz went on the offensive several times against the media, calling news outlets “the ultimate super PAC” for Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders. He also criticized the moderators for focusing on personal attacks and not pressing candidates on their policy proposals.
4. Jeb Bush’s call to action
Jeb Bush made a call to civility, asking the other candidates to “honor the people with normal behavior” and to use “a little bit of dignity and respect” in their discussions.
5. Donald Trump addressing specific questions
Donald Trump, who often gets off-topic during debates, actually made an effort to address specific questions asked by the moderators. At one point, he answered a question about his political donations to Democratic presidential candidates by noting that he has donated to “many people” on both sides of the aisle.