Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes

Unverified ETF, Legaled FTX, Blamed SEC and 20 Crypto Jokes

1. Q: What did the crypto ETF say when it got refused?
A: Oh, no… Not another SEC rejection!

2. Q: What did the crypto trader say after losing their fortune?
A: What happened to my money? That’s a FTX!

3. Q: What does the SEC say when they reject a crypto ETF?
A: Crypto ETFs are too volatile for us to approve.

4. Q: What did the newly listed crypto ETF say to its investors?
A: “Don’t worry, my legitimacy is unverified!”

5. Q: What did the cryptocurrency miner say when his computer broke down?
A: Taking a break…It needs to be re-mined!

6. Q: What did the ICO crowdfunder say when his idea didn’t take off?
A: Oh well, “my tokens won’t be tokenizing.”

7. Q: What do you call a blockchain developer who lost his job?
A: Blockchainless!

8. Q: What did the cryptocurrency investor say when he made a bad decision?
A: Wow, that was an altcoin vote of no confidence!

9. Q: What did the blockchain skeptic say when asked to start using crypto?
A: I’m not crypto-curious.

10. Q: What did the ICO investor say when asked why he invested?
A: “It was an impulse buy-in!”