UAW announces new strike locations as walkout enters second week

UAW announces new strike locations as walkout enters second week

The United Auto Workers (UAW) has announced plans to expand their ongoing strike against General Motors to additional locations outside of Michigan and Ohio as the work stoppage enters its second week.

In a press release Monday, the union claims to have targeted “nearly thirty more parts plants and GM facilities located in ten different states,” including Texas, Indiana, and Illinois. The UAW also states that it has “called for picketers at each of these facilities,” and that it expects “employees and union members in those states to join the fight with their Sisters and Brothers at their respective locations.”

The strike, which began on Sep. 15, was initiated due to stalled contract negotiations between GM and the UAW. As of the latest developments, the union’s main demands include the restoring of production at four previously closed facilities, a higher wages and better healthcare coverage.

GM CEO Mary Barra has repeatedly indicated that the companies will not be backing down as the walkout continues. In an October statement, Barra maintained that GM’s proposed contract “provides excellent wages, affordable healthcare and other benefits, while giving GM the flexibility to continue investing in our future.”

Although both sides remain at a stalemate, the recent expansion of the strike authorizes UAW members to demonstrate in more than 40 states, and it has certainly raised the stakes in negotiations. With the picketing set to expand, it remains to be seen whether GM will budge and strike a deal with the UAW.