Bloody diarrhea, jaundice, hepatitis: Thousands fall ill in war-ravaged Gaza amid spike in infectious diseases
Since the last major military offensive against Gaza in 2014, the region has endured tremendous health risks due to worsening living conditions, environmental pollutants, and lack of access to necessary medical care. The epidemiological situation in Gaza is particularly alarming, as over 9,000 cases of infectious diseases were reported in 2017 alone. This includes several outbreaks of Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E and other communicable diseases, as well as cases of bloody diarrhea due to contaminated food and water. In addition, reports of a significant increase in the number of jaundice cases have been surfacing in recent months, and authorities suspect a direct link with the water contamination caused by the ongoing conflict. Unfortunately, in spite of warnings from health experts and international aid agencies, the situation remains largely under-addressed, leaving the people of Gaza to suffer from the consequences of the conflict and lack of access to basic services.