Mike Johnson bucks trend of House speakers owning high-dollar assets: ‘Man of the people’
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is bucking the trend of House speakers who often own high-dollar assets, saying he is a “man of the people.”
Johnson has refused to accept the traditional perks of being a House speaker, including a luxury automobile and private jet.
“I want to represent the men and women of the people that sent me here. That’s why I don’t own any fancy cars or high-dollar assets,” Johnson said.
Instead, Johnson is taking sacrifices to live like the average Louisianan. His primary residence is a modest single-story house, and he opts to use public transportation for most trips.
Johnson is also forgoing the tradition of a luxurious suite in the nation’s capital, instead crashing at the home of a friend from his home state of Louisiana when he has to be in Washington.
“I didn’t come to Congress to get rich. I came here to help the people of my state. And I don’t believe that it’s right for me to be living a life of luxury on taxpayer dollars,” he said.
As a result of his lifestyle, Johnson has been dubbed the “man of the people” in the Capitol. While Johnson’s stand is uncommon among House speakers, he hopes it will be a beacon of inspiration to other Washington politicians to use their public office for good.