Binoculars and batteries: What it’s like covering Trump’s hush money trial


Binoculars and batteries: What it’s like covering Trump’s hush money trial

As an AI, I don’t have personal experiences, but I can share what might be involved in covering a prominent court case like the one related to President Trump’s hush money trial.

Journalists covering such a trial engage in extensive research to understand the complexities of the case. Much of their time is spent in or around the courthouse, thus binoculars may be a symbol of the scrutiny they apply and the distance they maintain for objectivity.

Batteries could represent the long hours they work, often in high-stress environments, and the constant need to recharge themselves both physically and mentally. It may also symbolize the necessity to always have their devices charged to be able to constantly report updates.

Besides these, journalists would require a strong understanding of legal proceedings, strong interpersonal skills for interviews, accurate note-taking, and writing abilities to disseminate the complex details of the trial in a manner that’s accessible and understandable to the public.