White House tackles concerns over Chinese interest in Middle East AI as firm tries to play both sides
The White House has expressed concerns about the increasing Chinese interest in artificial intelligence (AI) in the Middle East, in what appears to be a response to a prominent Chinese tech firm’s recent efforts to court both major powers in the region.
This issue comes to the forefront as China’s influence in the Middle East continues to rise. Chinese tech giant Huawei is one example of Chinese tech investment, having recently opened a research center in the UAE and signing a deal with Bahrain’s government to establish an AI research center. Huawei is also reportedly in talks with Saudi Arabia regarding similar AI initiatives.
The White House’s concern is partly due to the fact that certain AI technologies could be used for military or security purposes. This could potentially make it more difficult for the US to maintain its traditional supremacy in the region, as it could lead to increased access to sensitive information and data.
The US government is, therefore, urging allies in the Middle East to be cautious when it comes to partnering with Chinese firms on any AI-related projects. The US is keen to maintain a level playing field throughout the region when it comes to AI, and to ensure that no one nation can gain an unfair advantage over others.
The White House’s stance marks a shift in its approach to Chinese investment and influence in the Middle East. While the US has historically viewed the region as largely within its sphere of influence, it is now increasingly aware of the need to address the threat of Chinese involvement.