Surging Adoptions, Unsupporting BUSDs, Winning Cases and 20 Crypto Jokes
1. Why did Ethereum cross the road? To get to the DAPP side.
2. What did the blockchain developer say when he received his first Ether payment? “Transaction successful!”
3. What did the blockchain mining said to the blockchain network? “Let’s hash it out!”
4. Why did the cryptocurrency investor check the blockchain explorer? Because he wanted to make sure his coins were safe and sound.
5. What did the Bitcoin miner do when the block reward was halved? “Adapt or die!”
6. What did the blockchain investor say after watching a movie? “That was a good HODL!”
7. Why did the cryptocurrency trader cancel his order? He was FUD-ing the market.
8. What did the crypto analyst say to the blockchain entrepreneur? “Draw up a smart contract and let’s get this token sale underway!”
9. Why did the blockchain enthusiast go to sleep? He was tired of surfing the Ether waves.
10. Why did the blockchain analyst look at the monitor? “I’m trying to find the uptrend in this volatile market.”
11. What did the crypto investor say when he received his order? “Lambo, here I come!”
12. What did the cryptocurrency enthusiast say after the bull run? “I told you the alt-season was coming!”
13. Why did the blockchain developer send a transaction? He wanted to show the world he was a HODLer.
14. What did the crypto whales do? They made a splash on the market!
15. Why did the blockchain entrepreneur host a meetup? To learn more about blockchain and the incentives of a token sale.
16. What did the blockchain enthusiast ask after the hack? “Was it a 51% attack?”
17. What did the cryptocurrency trader say after a successful swing trading? “I’m having an emotional breakdown, but in a good way!”
18. What did the blockchain investor do after winning the case? He said “Time to buy more crypto!”
19. What did the blockchain user say after the surge in adoption? “It’s time to get on the blockchain train!”
20. Why did the BUSD user cancel his order? He was unsupporting of the project!