Disturbing videos emerge showing atrocities against African ethnic groups in Darfur
Disturbing videos recently emerged showing atrocities against African ethnic groups in Darfur, Sudan. This included horrific scenes such as mass killings, burning of homes, displacement of civilians, displacement of children, sexual assault and other violence and abuse. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has since opened an investigation into crimes against humanity committed in Darfur and has issued warrants for several Sudanese Government officials, while some of the suspects have been indicted for war crimes including genocide. The UN and the international community have also taken action, including the adoption of resolutions by the UN Security Council, the deployment of a peacekeeping mission to Darfur, and a call for accountability for those responsible for the violence. The atrocities committed in Darfur continue to shock and horrify the international community and African ethnic groups in the region continue to be at risk of persecution and violence.