Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress’s superyacht for a second time

Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress’s superyacht for a second time

Activists in the Mediterranean port of Ibiza, Spain, recently spray painted a 100-million-dollar superyacht belonging to American billionaire Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton, for a second time in protest of wealth inequalities. The yacht, named “Braveheart”, was painted a deep red and had the hashtag “#14billionnot1” written across its side. This is in reference to the 14 billion euros the World Bank estimates the Spanish government needs to alleviate the country’s financial crisis caused by the pandemic. The activists say that if the wealthy put more money into helping those affected by the pandemic rather than buying expensive items for themselves, it would help to even out some of the inequality. Similar protests have been seen in other locations around the world, such as France and Greece.